Monday, June 6, 2011

BIG Art Awards 2011

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Mal Hodges with Robert Lovett and Karen Spooner

Mal Hodges receiving the Betty Quelhurst Award for Oil

Mal Hodges .... First Prize in Oil. The Betty Quelhurst Award.

“Forget Picasso, Let’s Dance” That is a clever title. Pleased that you acknowledged
Picasso. Full of energy and movement. Repetition of Shapes. Good use of complementary colours.

Lyn Church.......Second in oil

Harqua Vista” A powerful painting, boldly expressed. Confident handling of the medium has produced pleasing looseness of technique

Lynette Melsom.......Third in Oil

“The Breaking Wave” A gentle seascape evoking peace and serenity. You can smell the salt air.

Margaret Darwen.......Highly Commended in Oil

“Beach Babes” The poster like arrangement of large simple flat shapes
Makes a strong decorative design. A little sense of mystery and understatement intrigues the viewer.


Annette Raff .. First Prize Watercolor and Gouache

“Beyond the Blue” Sensitive yet strong. Has an abstract emotional quality.
Complimentary colours with a dominance of cool.

Atsuko Shima.... Second prize in Watercolor and Gouache

“HD” A simple and strong statement using a calligraphic technique.

Lynette Melsom .... Third Prize Watercolor and Gouache

“Wild Poppies” A lovely watercolour technique. Simple and direct application.

Tim Campbell.. Highly Commended in the Heather Blackstock
Encouragement awards


Tony Duarte... First prize Pastel and drawing

“Lazy Sunday” Sparkles with sunlight. Flowing movement. Good design. Tonal gradation from top to bottom. The yellow hat, set in the dark band provides contrast at the focal point.

Jeanne Ives ... Second prize Pastel and Drawing

Sleeping Woman” Good drawing. Linework applied with confidence, direct from life.

Nadia Seo...... Third prize Pastel and Drawing

“Faith” Contemplative and restful with a spiritual connection.


Carole King ......First prize acrylic and Mixed Media

“Mangroves” A semi abstract design using repetition of linework
to achieve a poetic and musical feeling. The artist allows her sensitivity to the landscape to emerge

Colleen Clark .... Second prize Acrylic and Mixed media

A Most Enjoyable Dream” A simple and striking design with movement
exhibiting mastery of the medium.

Ron Mc Rae .... third prize Acrylic and Mixed media

Port O Call” There must be a story here! This has a quaint, whimsical
quality. It dances in the sunlight.

David Warren ..... Highly commended in Acrylic and Mixed Media

The Big Bang” Nice design and technique.


Ana Jensen-Ribola ........ First prize Childrens Art

“Happiness” The title says it all. The viewer cannot help but
respond with a smile. Good colour harmony and a child like naivette.

Hannah Hoy ..... Second Prize Childrens art

“Face to Face” Mature Approach. Good design like lino or woodcut

Ruby O'Brien ........ Third prize Childrens Art

“Pelican” Cute, a positive response to nature

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